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Lime Mortar Pointing

Lime mortar is among one of the oldest building materials in the world. Lime use is critical in the maintenance, repair and conservation in old buildings. It is highly breathable therefore reduces risk of moisture build up in the fabric of the building and subsequent damp issues that may arise.

stone wall repointed in lime shropshire
brickwork pointed in lime shropshire

What is Pointing?

'Pointing' is the process of finishing the gaps between brick, stone or other masonry used to construct walls. It also helps to stabilise the structure and adds overall strength. Not only this but it also enhances the cosmetic appearance of the wall, especially when 're-pointing' an older structure.


What is it made of?

A good quality lime mortar is made with Lime, Sand, Water and sometimes other locally sources aggregates depending on the location of the building. When re-pointing in lime it is vital to re-search the mix required, as I believe it is important to try and ensure the new mortar mix is respective of what was originally used which can differ from location to location.


How is lime pointing done?

Following identification of any failed or loose mortar, this failed mortar is 'raked out' or 'chipped out' to clean the joint ready for repair. Usually twice as deep as it is wide to allow for sufficient depth for the new mortar. It is advised to not used tools such as angle grinders where possible (although sometimes necessary when removing cementitious mortars!) as these can cause damage to surrounding masonry in untrained hands.


Traditionally, the new mortar is then 'packed' into the joint before being left to carbonate for a short time and then scratched back, and beaten with a churn brush to further compact the joint. This gives it it's strength and stability. 


As with all lime work, it is important to protect new mortar from the elements, often with hessian sheeting in the summer and bubble wrap occasionally if required in the Winter. However ideally all re-pointing work should be carried out in fair weather, with no frost due within the coming weeks.


How long does Lime Poinitng take?

The length of time required to re-point a wall in lime mortar varies depending on the size of the project at hand. If removal of incorrect mortar is required, a test patch should be done initially to gauge time. Lime mortar pointing projects often take weeks to complete, with good aftercare required and some check up visits after completion. 

If you would like to discuss a Lime Mortar Pointing project, please contact Naturally Plastered via the below methods or Contact Page.



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